Supplier suspensions

Definition of Suspension: Temporary limitation of a supplier’s profile, resulting in their services not being visible in client searches.

Definition of Ban: A ban is the permanent removal of a supplier’s account from Poptop.

Types of Suspensions:

Suspension Due to Unpaid Debt:

  • If a supplier has an outstanding debt to Poptop due to booking cancellations, they have 7 days to repay this debt.
  • Failure to make payment within the 7-day timeframe will result in suspension until repayment is made as per the provided invoice.

21-Day Suspension for Quote Removal and Calendar Update Failure:

  • Suppliers may face a 21-day suspension if they have removed 5 or more quotes in the past 30 days and have not updated their calendar.
  • To lift this suspension, suppliers can either update their calendar with a minimum of 3 available time slots, add calendar sync with at least 3 available time slots, or wait for the 21-day suspension period to pass.

21-Day Suspension for Recent Cancellations with Deposits:

  • Suppliers who cancel 2+ bookings within a 30-day period where the client had already paid the deposit will be suspended for 21 days.
  • Once the 21-day suspension period elapses, the account will be automatically resuspended.

48-Hour Suspension for Mild Misuse of the Platform:

  • Mild misuse of the platform includes actions such as sharing contact details through Poptop messenger, asking clients to book directly outside of Poptop, or using inappropriate language towards clients or Poptop staff.
  • The application of this suspension is at Poptop’s discretion.
  • Suspension lasts for 48 hours, and the account will be unsuspended thereafter.

21-Day Suspension for Severe Misuse of the Platform:

  • Severe misuse includes continuous redirection of clients to book outside of Poptop, and repeated use of inappropriate language towards clients or Poptop staff.
  • The application of this suspension is at Poptop’s discretion.
  • Suspension lasts for 21 days, and the account will be unsuspended upon completion of this period.

Three-Time Suspension Policy:

  • If a supplier is suspended three times within a 12-month period, they will be considered for a permanent ban, resulting in the removal of their account from Poptop.

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