Client requested calls

How do client requested calls work?

  1. A client requests a call

After a client shortlists your service, they are directed to the Poptop messenger to ask any questions about your service.

The client can request a call with you about your service by clicking ‘Request a call as seen below. They are then provided with a form (below) where they can choose the date, and time they would like you to arrange the call to discuss their event before booking.

  1. You get a call request via email confirmation

You will receive an email (below image) from Poptop support with the client details, the number you will call and the unique code you will have to enter to call that specific client.

  1. Making the call

Upon receiving the confirmation email, you will have all the necessary details to contact the client. The client’s phone number will remain the same for each call, but the ‘client code’ will be unique each time.

  • After calling the client, you will hear a voice asking you to enter the code. Don’t enter the code until the voice asks you to. After you put in the code, you will be connected with the client to talk about their event.

  1. The call has happened - what next?

It’s a good idea to follow up after the call via the Poptop messenger to summarize everything that was spoken about. It is always a good idea to thank them for the call and assure them once again that you would love to be a part of their event.

If the client doesn’t answer the phone, our support team will follow up with the client to see why they didn’t answer.

Top tips for calling clients

Effective client calls can significantly impact your booking success. Here are some top tips to ensure your calls are productive: 

  • Always be friendly and welcoming
  • Read their event details so you can ask important questions about their event
  • Make sure to ask the client if they have any questions

What to avoid on client calls:

  • Act in any way that could be seen as harassing or abusing the client 
  • Sharing your private contact details (phone number, email or social media) to take the booking off Poptop
  • Speak negatively about Poptop 

Client requested calls FAQ

How long does a unique code last for?

You have up to 7 days before your unique code expires to contact the client.

What happens if the client doesn’t pick up?

Our support team will contact the client if they don’t answer to rearrange the call if necessary, but you do have up to 7 days to contact the client using their unique code.

What happens if I can’t call at the requested time?

That’s not a problem as you have seven days to contact the client before your call code expires. You can also message the client via Poptop Messenger to say that you will call them at a different time.

What happens if I don’t contact the client and ignore the requested call?

Our support team will be in contact to either rearrange the call or cancel it. If you frequently ignore client-requested calls can result in a suspension of this feature on your account.

Can I turn off client-requested calls?

Yes, you can! Just get in contact with the Poptop support team and they can turn off this feature for you.

Are calls monitored?

All calls are monitored by Poptop for quality assurance purposes and to ensure compliance with platform policies.

What happens if the client doesn’t answer and it goes to voicemail?

Some clients may have voicemail enabled on their phones, in this case, you can leave a voicemail explaining to the client why you called. However, voicemails are also monitored so abuse of Poptop’s terms can result in a suspension or ban.

Can I direct clients to “request a call” with me via Poptop?

Yes, you can. While talking to a client via Poptop messenger you can ask them to request a call with you to discuss their event.

Will my details be shared with the client?

No, your details won’t be shared with the client. The only point when your contact details will be shared is after the booking is confirmed.

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