How are travel costs calculated?

Using our innovative instant quote tool, we not only calculate the cost of the service based on the prices you have submitted into your listing but also the travel costs.

In the travel section of your listing we ask you to submit the following:

Base postcode - this is your postcode where you/the service is based

Free travel/delivery - this is the range in miles you will travel up to for free

Maximum travel/delivery range - this is the maximum range in miles that you will travel

Price per mile and back - this is the amount you charge per mile and back above the free travel

The client then submits their postcode/the postcode of the event venue and we calculate the cost between you and the client based on your travel costs submitted and add this on to the quote.

💡Tip: the average suppliers charged between 50p-£1 per mile and back for travel.

Please note: we calculate the distance between the suppliers postcode and the clients postcode in a straight line (as the crow flies).

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