Poptop calendar basics
By blocking out a date as unavailable you will not be shown in the search results for a client who is searching on that date.
We require all suppliers to have a minimum of one future date blocked off as unavailable at all times. If you do not update your calendar with any unavailable dates it will be hidden from the search results and not visible to clients.
There are two ways to update your calendar:
- Manual update
To manually update your calendar, head into the calendar in your account here: https://www.poptop.uk.com/s/calendar/, click into the date you wish to block out and select block time slots and complete the form.
Block multiple dates: to block multiple dates at a time select the block multiple dates button at the top of the calendar. You can select up to 30 dates at a time.
- Sync calendar
You can sync an external online diary like GoogleCal, Apple Calendar or Outlook calendar with Poptop, meaning when you update your main working calendar, it’ll update Poptop automatically.
Tutorials on how to update each calendar type: https://supportcenter.poptop.uk.com/article/243-how-to-sync-your-working-calendar-with-poptop
- Availability Settings
Go to your availability settings to update the following:
Notice booking period - set a notice booking period for how many days in advance you can take a booking (1-14 days)
Non-working days - block out a full day every week if you have other commitments on this day and cannot take bookings.